Sunday, 16 March 2014

4. Israel Attractions

What the Tourist Attractions Mean

-       Much of Israel’s attractions are resource-based. Ancient landmarks, fantastic hiking and rafting, and historic buildings for sight seeing.
-       People have opportunities for self-actualizations when experiencing them themselves, and they can also interact on the subject of the beauty that surrounds them to achieve self-belonging in the most natural setting possible.
-       I hope to be fulfilled by experiencing true beauty of the land in my soul and with my family, distanced from artificial beauty in marketing and constructs built by people that surround us in our everyday lives.

Israeli Tourism was developed through evolution, not revolution
Tourism resources and attractions have been built under many different empires, however marketing them to tourists has been Israeli government policy and planning. All major religious and non-religious sites are operated under heavy security and held open to the public.

The STEEP Model shows different factors that can shape a tourist destination.

Geography of tourism lecture

Technology: Science and technology is one of the country's most developed sectors. Israel is also known for state of the art architecture.
Economy: Ranked by the UN as “very highly developed”. Tourism is one of Israel's major sources of income in the country, attracting 3.54 million tourists in 2013.
Environmental: Israel is ranked as the 2nd highest Cleantech country in the world according to World Wildlife Foundation. They have vastly different climates and landscapes in such a small country.
Political: As the only democratic country in Middle East, they are able to have strong relations with other democratic nations. The politics that they have make tourists feel more comfortable when visiting.
Social: With such deep-rooted history, Israel is a very proud nation. British mandate, European immigrants, Arab occupants, and religion have all had roles in shaping it. They take their holidays and national announcements very seriously, such as Shabbat every Friday night and Saturday there is a day of rest and no work.