Sunday, 16 March 2014

2. Motivation

Cultural Influences have come from the Jewish people and our religion. Not just the ones that our in our lives, but the commandments of Judaism guide us to homeland of Israel. Obviously we are not slaves to our religion, but the pressure of the religion over time has made my family feel like the trip is overdue and we must do it before it is too late.

Family influences and learning necessities have gently pushed us to Israel. Our distant family and friends guide us to Israel as kind people who want to see us grow and experience Israel. We want to make them happy and experience what they have told us about our lives. We don't feel pressure, we feel kind guidance.

The personality and attitude of my family is social, fun, and makes the most of every day. We like enjoying time with many friends together, and many of our Jewish friends act as a reference group and influence us to enjoy time in Israel. We have been told that we will be able to make the most out of Israel because we are high energy and not be afraid to try new things with new types of people.

It didn’t have to do with consumer behaviour; Israel was not marketed to us from any direct external parties. We have had influence on our personal and social determinants like our attitude towards Israel from everyone in our life as a Jewish person and just being a Jewish person.

Our choice of destination is people dependant, place dependant, space dependant, and self-dependant. We go there to find more of everything in Israel, in ourselves, and in Judaism.

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